The Price of Penny Read online

Page 5

  I reached for my purse. I didn’t have Daddy’s card, so I hoped he took a check. “Yes, of course. That was extremely generous, but we can’t accept. The manager at the restaurant wouldn’t even allow me to view the bill, but I’d like to pay you back. How much?”

  Maggie’s irritation grew. She pursed her lips together and stamped her foot when she said my name again. I was being polite about the situation. I didn’t know what her problem was. I did the mental math. The champagne would hurt. I’d need to transfer some money from savings, but Daddy would probably give me some back since he planned on paying for dinner that night.

  I inwardly cringed thinking it might be over a thousand dollars if I’d done the math right. Chet stared at me with such intensity, I felt self-conscious. No telling how many crumbs were on my top. I’d been vigilant to clean my mouth, but I’d ignored my clothing. I looked down and didn’t see much. His fixation continued. This man had some sort of problem. Fine. I had to get the checkbook out. I wouldn’t backdown now, so I pulled my wallet out of my bag.

  Pen in hand, I asked again. “What was the ballpark total? Do you know?”

  “Yeah, I believe my manager said it was $2,867.42. You can make it out to Chester Parker or cash, whichever you prefer.”

  My fingers tingled in a painful way. I tried not to hyperventilate. I wondered how much I could make if I left the bakery immediately to sell my plasma? Shoot, I bet they wouldn’t accept it right now in my borderline diabetic condition from all this damn cake. I worked hard to make a decent living, but everyone knew LA was expensive. I lived modestly, but I still didn’t have thousands of flex money each month. I stuck to a budget. Daddy complained enough about how much this wedding would cost him. He would blow a gasket if I asked for damn near three thousand dollars for one dinner out.

  Chet had moved in a little closer. I could feel the warmth of his body behind my chair. He leaned completely over my shoulder next. “That’s two thousand, eight hundred sixty-seven dollars.” I picked up the pen because it fell out my hand the first time he said the amount. I started with the date first because it didn’t hurt to write that. He got into my personal space and whispered in my ear, “and forty-two cents.”

  I blew out a breath before attempting his name on the pay to line. Chet grabbed my hand and pulled the pen away, laughing like a fool. “Stop, Penny. I’m joking. I can’t accept your money. Dinner was a gift for all the trouble I put you ladies through that afternoon.”

  I couldn’t decide if I was irritated at him for teasing me or slightly turned on that he was so close, but I was definitely relieved. I really was about to cry imagining how broke I’d be for the next couple of months if he cashed my check.

  Next thing I knew Maggie invited him to taste cakes with us. “I’m sure he’s very busy and doesn’t have time for that.”

  “No, I’ve got nothing on the agenda all afternoon, I’d love to try some of these tempting creations. That’s if there’s enough to go around. What about it Siena?” She’d been lingering at the door, so much for not taking a peep. She gawked with her tongue practically wagging. She giggled and promised there was plenty. For some reason, the bastard had the nerve to wink at me. I didn’t think this situation called for a wink, but that’s what he did.

  “Great, then it’s settled. I think we need a third party for tie breakers, anyway.” Maggie gave him a quick rundown of her favorites so far and how we needed to narrow it down to five choices when her fiancé came back to the second tasting.

  Nothing looked good to me any longer. I think I was done tasting, especially after my sister further blabbed about my earlier behavior. “I’m glad you showed up, Chet. Poppy was about to inhale the whole tray over here. I can’t trust her palette, she scarfs it down so fast.”

  My cheeks heated up. He was amused. “I do not. I took my time with every bite. I’m stuffed, so the two of you can finish. I’m done.”

  “Awe, come on, don’t be like that, nothing wrong with a sweet tooth. I happen to have one myself. Tell me, Penny. What should I taste first?”

  I picked up the water glass again and brought the cool liquid to my lips. If he meant cake, then why did it sound a little dirty? Why was I suddenly shifting around in my seat? Shake it, off. I told myself. I told him I was partial to the lemon blackberry, but I assumed Maggie would pick a different one because she and I were usually polar opposites. He started sampling several pieces of cake. I really didn’t want to try anymore. I had more fun than I should watching him eat. He took a big bite, followed by this super sexy moan and then washed each piece down with a sip of water.

  Chet caught me, so I quickly averted my eyes. Maggie asked him his opinion so far. “I wouldn’t want to be in your shoes. If I was getting married, I’d probably have five cakes because I couldn’t decide. They’re all really good.”

  Maggie needed to remember she was engaged and stop being a shameful flirt. “Oh do tell, any chance you might get married in the near future, Chet?”

  “Me? No way. I’m a happy bachelor. Marriage is for people like my parents and lovely ladies like yourself, Maggie.”

  She giggled and blushed. My stomach knotted. Too much cake. Too much Chet.

  He was honest with Maggie, he had a love affair with Oreo flavors so the chocolate fudge cake covered in vanilla Oreo mousse was at the top of his list, but he also surprisingly enjoyed the champagne cake. I hadn’t tried that one.

  “Oh come on now, you have to try this one. Here.” He picked up a portion and guided it toward my mouth.

  I shook my head like a lunatic, swearing I couldn’t eat another bite. What I really couldn’t comprehend was that his bare hand was about to feed me the damn thing. That was far too intimate. I kept refusing, but he didn’t stop until he had the cake directly in front of my lips.

  “Open wide, Penny or I’m smashing it in your face.”

  Maggie pulled out her phone and took a picture. “Oh my gosh, so cute. It looks like you guys are the ones getting married, about to feed your cake to each other for pictures. I love it.”

  I wanted to scream at my sister for embarrassing me like that. The suggestion of us as a married couple about sent me over the edge. I intended to say something snarky, so Chet took advantage of my mouth partially opened and did just as he warned. He shoved that cake into my mouth. There are no words to describe how I felt in that moment. I tasted one of the best things ever to touch my tongue, but his fingers were also touching my lips and one of them grazed a tooth. How was this scenario actually happening to a person like me? I had one of the most high profile celebrities’ fingers in my mouth mixed with raspberries, cheesecake and champagne cake. It was a flavor explosion, but it didn’t last long enough. He pulled back his hand and left the cake on my tongue. I carefully chewed it so I didn’t choke when he licked the rest of the frosting from his fingers which no doubt had to be tainted with some of my saliva.

  He didn’t even care, in fact, I think he liked it and I was doomed. I was not a romantic. That was Maggie’s and Mum’s department. They were the romance reading, head in the clouds types. I was practical and determined. I didn’t have time to get distracted by a man that would only use me or break my already fragile heart.

  I pulled myself together and got down to business like a good maid of honor would. “If I were you, Mags, the pink champagne, red velvet, vanilla bean should definitely make the cut. I’m up for any others you’re partial too and I’m sure Keats will adore the chocolate peanut butter one for his groom’s cake. Are we about done?”

  She said she thought she had the others in mind but needed to speak to Mrs. Monroe about the next appointment and which flavors they’d test. That left me alone with the man that currently invaded all my senses even when I didn’t wish him to.

  “So this was fun, huh?”

  “Yeah, but I feel sick now.”

  “Hey, you know how you wanted to hand over all that money to me earlier because you thought I should be paid back.”

  How cou
ld I forget almost draining two of my bank accounts. “Um yeah.” Great, he changed his mind and I was going to be broke after all.

  “How about you repay me in a much simpler way . . . cheaper, but mutually enjoyable.” I wasn’t following what he meant. “What are you doing after this? Wanna grab a coffee to wash down all this sweetness?”

  I started to decline when Maggie barged in at just the wrong time again.

  “Perfect, because Keats is almost here. We have plans and that would save me so much time since we have to go back to his place to change before we meet up with some friends.” Maggie seemed to make it up as she spoke. I’d never heard a word about this evening out or time crunch. “She’d love to have coffee and you can take her home as well.”

  “Margaret, knock it off. You never once said I was going to inconvenience you today. I would’ve brought my own damn car if that was the case.”

  “Hey, easy there, Penny.” What was with the way he said my name? He needed to stop pronouncing it that way. “I’d be happy to give you a lift after you have coffee with me.”

  “Could you excuse us for a second, please?”

  “Sure, I need to take care of my order up front.”

  I laid into her as soon as he shut the door. “What the hell? I don’t want to go out with him.”

  “It’s only coffee. You’re reading into things too much, as usual. My gosh, you think everyone on earth has an unsavory agenda. He’s super polite and sweet. I know you like him Poppy and he really likes you.”

  “Nonsense, he does not. You’re on a sugar high.”

  “So what, we all are, but don’t you find it a huge coincidence he showed up here today when we happened to have a cake tasting appointment?”

  “No, not at all. He likes this bakery. He said so last week.”

  “You’re delusional. I don’t know how he found out, but he came here just because he knew you’d be here.”

  “That’s absurd. He did not.”

  “Oh yeah, well guess what he was doing out in the lobby? He already had made his order and he was just sitting in a chair, staring at the hallway, waiting on us to be done, so he could pretend to run into you when you walked out.”

  “Shut your mouth! You’re fibbing.”

  “I’ll swear it in blood right now, sister.” She picked up a butter knife off the side table. “Try me.”

  “Give me that. Seriously, you’re going to cut yourself open with a dull butter knife?”

  “Babe, he’s trying to get to know you. Let him. I’m so excited about this and you should be too.”

  “I don’t want to date. I can’t.”

  “Please, just have coffee and see if there’s a spark. I think there already is. Honestly, hun, he’s one of the hottest men on earth and he could have any woman he wants. It seems that’s you at the moment.”

  That couldn’t be accurate. Of course, he could have almost any woman he snapped his fingers at? Why did he want to spend time with me? Nothing Maggie believed was even remotely true.

  She did a quick assessment of my appearance and said she wished I would have worn more makeup and better clothes, but it would have to do. “Go on, make me proud. I’d love to brag my sister landed the hottest celeb in town with her rude, aloof and ambivalent behavior. He must have it bad to be attracted to you after how you’ve acted.”

  “Hey. Way to build my self-esteem. I wasn’t that bad.”

  She kissed my cheek and said maybe he wasn’t looking for a relationship and just wanted to shag an English girl.

  “I’m only half.”

  “Yeah, well maybe that’s his gig. If that’s the case, go for it. You only live once and God knows, you haven’t been living life fully for a long time now.”

  She looked petrified, like she was being led to her death instead of an innocent cup of coffee. Maybe she thought the acting thing was a cover for my true passion . . . serial killing. I placed my hand on her back and she jumped.

  “Sorry, I was just pointing you in the right direction. My car’s over there. It’s the . . .”

  Suddenly, I felt weird saying what I drove.

  “Let me guess, the steely gray Vanquish.”

  “Hey, you know cars.” Wow, that was hot.

  “I pay attention to my father’s interests. He likes cars. In my opinion, cars are to get you from point A to point B. I don’t need to impress others as I travel down the road.”

  She had a knack for kicking me in the teeth without her foot ever leaving the ground.

  Why should I feel bad for spending my money on something I enjoy? I was very charitable. It wasn’t like I only used money on myself. I bought my parents’ house before I was a legal adult and a remote cabin they wanted as a vacation/retirement home on top of that, but I never bragged. I rarely took recognition for my charity involvement either, but that didn’t mean I wasn’t generous.

  I opened the door for her and she frowned. This woman had a permanent chip on her shoulder and wore it so well. Holding a door for a lady is a polite gesture and I wouldn’t stop. I walked around, got inside and waited to hear the rest. She had to say something else about my extravagant lifestyle, but she sat in the passenger seat, seatbelt buckled, hands in her lap, feet firmly planted on the floor mats and staring straight ahead.

  “So, where to?”

  “I don’t know. This was your idea, not mine.”

  “Before we get started, I have to ask. Did I do something to offend you? I thought back there with the cake we had a breakthrough.”

  “Breakthrough? What the hell does that mean? You crammed a piece of cake into my mouth when I told you not to. Don’t you know no means no?”

  “Of course, I do. It was cake, not assault. If I remember correctly, you didn’t want me to take you home either.”

  “I didn’t.”

  I turned off the car and unlocked the doors. “Fine, then get out. I don’t want to force myself on you.”

  Her gorgeous blue eyes expanded, her nostrils flared. She reached for the handle but I beat her to it, locking her door again.

  “Open it, jerk.”

  “No, I changed my mind. We’re going for coffee.”

  “I don’t want to go anywhere with you. You have to be the rudest arsehole I’ve ever had the displeasure of meeting. Good thing you have money and looks or I doubt anyone would ever spend time with you.”

  At least she liked the way I looked. I didn’t miss that part. I laughed again at her expense. I started the car back up and put it in drive. She kept pulling the handle, I reached across her lap to make her stop, but she slapped my hand away. “We’re moving now, sweetheart. You wouldn’t dare jump out of a moving vehicle.”

  “Don’t tempt me.”

  “Oh, I think I do and that’s why you’re so pissed, but angry’s good. It’s one step away from passion.”

  She shut up after that comment and folded her arms across her chest looking pretty defiant, but more importantly, Penny looked amazing in my passenger seat. I wanted her there all the time and I deserved this chance.

  I waited a little while before letting her know I wasn’t the rude member of this duo. “I’ve been extremely nice, now you on the other hand.”

  “Then why are you doing it?”


  “Being nice to me.”

  I told her that was just how I was. Didn’t she read the news? My niceness was often reported. Everybody said so.

  “Celebrity gossip is not news, so there’s your answer to whether I’ve read it or not. Can we please hurry this along and go to Starbucks? You just passed the nearest one.”

  I had a different coffee place in mind that I thought might impress her, but it was becoming increasingly clear, she wasn’t easily impressed. My mood dampened when I saw the crowd. People crowded outside the door. What did I expect? It was the end of a work week in a very busy part of the city.

  We paused at a long light and I grimaced at that line again. “Oh, I’ve heard of this place. Maggie and
Keats go here. They like it way better than the chain. Is that where we’re going? I’ve never tried it.”

  The prospect of introducing her to something, anything for the first time did certain things to me, but all those people in my sights threatened this experience. Someone would recognize me. It wasn’t how I wanted to spend my first time with her. I wanted Penny all to myself.

  “Are we going to turn around, find a place to park?” Her pissy mood shifted into a somewhat cheerful one. I didn’t want to fuck it up again.

  “I don’t know, it’s pretty packed. I should swing back around and head over to the Starbucks.”

  “Which was also packed,” she reminded.

  “Yeah, but they at least have a drive-thru.”

  As soon as I said it, I heard how lame I sounded.

  “You made this big commotion to run me through a drive-thru. Wow, who would’ve guessed how smooth the rich and famous truly are?”

  “Sorry, I didn’t mean. It’s just, I hoped we could chat someplace quiet, maybe get to know each other a little more. It’s a bad time is all. Both spots are too crowded.”

  I blew it. She would tell me to drop her off, probably at the corner of her street or further off, so I wouldn’t know where she lived. Surprisingly, Penny proved rude wasn’t her only personality trait. She was pretty ingenuous and kind when she tried.

  “Hey, I know it’s not gourmet or anything, but I got a Keurig for Christmas. I have a great selection of coffee because I insist on variety.”

  My lips hinted at a smirk, she invited me over to her place. And Penny liked variety. I mumbled, “Good to know.”

  She gave me step-by-step directions, I kept telling her to input it in the navigation system but she refused. If she only knew that I had her address memorized because Wayne already found it for me. Wayne found out everything. I knew more about the Koperniks than they knew about themselves, I assumed. My boy was a genius and a master of stalking, although I was not a stalker. If I pursued Penny, I needed to come clean. I had to tell her I showed up with specific intentions today at the bakery. She could easily turn on me like a rabid dog, but I would take my chances. She did invite me over, so hopefully my charm was finally working on her.